Defining: Leadership's 'True North'

Leadership in India has been a transformative force, shaping not only individual organizations, but the nation's trajectory. Visionary leaders across various sectors have consistently demonstrated the power of foresight, resilience, and adaptability in navigating complex challenges. Their approach to leadership goes beyond traditional management, embracing innovation and calculated risk-taking to create new possibilities and redefine existing paradigms. These influential figures have shown that true leadership involves inspiring people, fostering a culture of excellence, and having the courage to pursue ambitious goals even in the face of adversity.

The impact of exceptional leadership extends far beyond institutional boundaries, influencing society at large. Leaders who have left an indelible mark on India's landscape have often been those who recognized their broader responsibility to the nation and its people. They've set the course for new growth trajectories by championing ethical practices, prioritising sustainable development, and investing in community empowerment.

This holistic approach to leadership has set new benchmarks for governance and social responsibility. As India continues to evolve, the next generation of leaders face the challenge of steering the nation through rapid technological changes, global shifts, and increasing societal expectations. The enduring principles of visionary thinking, integrity, and social consciousness remain crucial guideposts for leadership in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Lauding those Leading the Way

Even in India’s vibrant social tapestry, certain individuals stand out as paragons of leadership brilliance. These are the Influential Leaders of India, a distinguished group of leaders who transcend boundaries and inspire future generations through their remarkable journeys. They exemplify how a blend of passion, resilience, and a global perspective can propel one to the forefront of leadership.

The 4th edition of Influential Leaders of India sees us amplify the voices of these leaders from across domains. Against a backdrop of unprecedented change, this edition explores the nuances of leadership in times of tumult. Through thought-provoking discussions, insightful keynotes, and interactive sessions, the event serves as a platform for exchanging ideas, forging partnerships, and charting pathways towards a brighter tomorrow.

Today’s era sees leadership hold unprecedented significance, and these influential figures serve as beacons of inspiration for others. Their stories ignite a fire within, urging us to redefine boundaries, and leave an indelible mark on the global stage.

Shaped by Rigorous Research

This unique initiative has been shaped by insights gleaned from an industry-wide study conducted by LeadCap Ventures, with leaders appraised on the following parameters:

Strategic Execution
(Focusing on beating the odds by defining what it takes to win)
Growth Mindset
(How they’ve looked at the big picture, with growth metrics for established and up and coming players)
Organisational & Social Purpose
(Purpose matters, for organisations and society)
Stakeholder Capitalism
(How they manage boards and external and internal stakeholders by valuing everyone’s needs and objectives)
Adaptability & Resilience
(To see if they’ve created something that can outlast the storm)
Agility & Innovation
(To see whether they’ve embedded an agile mindset, regardless of organisational size)
Transparency & Accountability
(Being honest and transparent in all dealings)

Reasons to Attend?

Engage in networking sessions with a diverse array of C-suite professionals.

Participate in insightful discussions addressing critical challenges encountered by business leaders across various sectors.

Discover innovative strategies for decision-making, change management, and fostering organisational growth.

Gain inspiration from thought leaders and forward-thinking visionaries.

Collaborate with fellow leaders, exchanging best practices to facilitate business transformation.



Presented by

Republic TV
Marksmen Daily

Magazine partner


Media partners

Business Standard
CEO Insight Asia
Prime View
CEO Insight
The CEO Magazine
The Busuness Fame
Asia Business Outlook
Industry Outlook
World Economic Magazine

Supporting Associations

All India Association of Industries
CDD India

Research partner

Lead Cap Ventures

Brought to you by

Team Marksmen