The concept of wellness has been around for a long time in the Indian subconsciousness (think Ayurveda, yoga, and more), but it has become increasingly important in recent years. If FICCI’s latest estimates are to go by, the health and wellness industry is valued at a whopping Rs. 490 billion, and expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.45% during 2022 - 2027. Even at a governmental level, the institution of the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy) is indicative of this move towards boosting the health and wellness market in India.
Perhaps the most important driver for this shift is the perceptible change in people’s attitudes towards health in the wake of a global pandemic. Consumers are beginning to understand the benefits of preventive healthcare and overall well-being, and viewing health and wellness through a much broader and more sophisticated lens, encompassing not just fitness and nutrition, but also overall physical and mental health and appearance. This is also reflected in the choices now available in the broader marketplace.

The shifting sands of consumer preference and socio-economic trends has made the health and wellness industry sit up and take notice, leading to the creation of products and services that encapsulate the true meaning of wellness — self-care for the mind, body, and soul. The Most Preferred Health & Wellness Brands shines a spotlight on the brands at the vanguard of this change, and salutes their achievements in an exclusive felicitation ceremony that brings together doyens of the industry.

This one-of-a-kind initiative draws insights from a study conducted by our partner, Allegiant Market Research, with brands appraised on the following parameters.


Brand Appeal

Consumer Demand
- Online and Offline

Consumer Perception and Experience
